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Tree Removal

Tree Removal

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Tree Trimming 

Tree Trimming

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wildfire mitigation

Wildfire Mitigation

The number one way to protect your home from a wildfire is to create a defensible space around your home or property.  Firefighters actually put more effort into a home that has taken precautionary measures to protect itself versus a home that has too much combustible fuel, within a close proximity, to put resources into saving it.  Insurance carriers also demand and often give discounts when your home is clean from combustible material close to your property. 


According to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety the proper defensible space for a structure is 30 feet.  The first 5 feet surrounding your structure should be non-combustible material such as rock, gravel or concrete and the remaining 25 feet should be clear of dead limbs, trees should be trimmed away from home and shrubs should be removed from under trees. 


We are proud to say we have been evacuated through three fires without any damage to our structures.  This is 100% attributed to the work that was put into our properties prior to the fire.  Having the proper insurance agent and tree service professional is paramount in hedging against mother nature’s most destructive force.


Contact us today for more information on how we can best protect your properties from wildfires!




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